Geometric Simulation and Descriptive Geometry


Сальков ,Sal'kov Nikolay


Geometric simulation is creation of a geometric model, whose properties and characteristics in a varying degree determine the subject of investigation’s properties and characteristics. The geometric model is a special case of the mathematical model. The feature of the geometric model is that it will always be a geometric figure, and therefore, by its very nature, is visual. If the mathematical model is a set of equations, which says little to an ordinary engineer, the geometric model as representation of the mathematical model and as the geometric figure itself, enables to "see" this set. Any geometric model can be represented graphically. Graphical model of an object is a mapping of its geometric model onto a plane (or other surface). Therefore, the graphical model can be considered as a special case of the geometric model. Graphical models are very various – these are graphics, and graphical structures of immense complexity, reflecting spatial geometric figures. These are drawings of geometric figures, simulating processes of all kinds. The simulation goes on as follows. According to known geometric and differential criteria the geometric model is executed. Then a mathematical model is composed based on the geometric model, finally a computer program is compiled on the mathematical model. As a result of consideration in this paper the process of obtaining the geometric models of surface and linear forms for auto-roads it is possible to make a following conclusion. For geometric simulation and the consequent mathematical one the descriptive geometry involvement is vital. Just the descriptive geometry is used both on the initial and final stages of design.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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