In April 2016 at the All-Russian seminar "Geometry
and Graphics", dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the birth of
Glazunov Yevgeny Alexandrovich on a replica of one of the
N.A. Salkov paper authors that descriptive geometry is the theory
of images, the speaker somehow ambiguously stated that it is not
quite so. How, in his opinion, was the case, he did not wish to
disclose. Moreover, some graphic disciplines teachers believe descriptive
geometry unworthy of study because some of them only
known causes. They do not understand that descriptive geometry
is the theory of images, and images are everywhere, right down to
the computer screen. There is no such area of the human labor
application where this or that image wouldn´t be applied. Images
are ubiquitous! That is why descriptive geometry as a theory of images should be studied not only in the artistic and technical high
educational institutions, but in all ones of Russia. In proposed
paper there are numerous examples of the classics (and not only
of them), expressed oneself on a subject of descriptive geometry.
All statements (of Gaspard Monge, academician N.F. Chetverukhin,
professors A.I. Dobryakov, E.A. Glazunov, V.O. Gordon, G.S.
Ivanov, S.M. Kolotov, V.A. Peklich, N.A. Rynin, S.A. Frolov, etc.)
are reduced to one and the same: a projection is an image, and
descriptive geometry is the theory of images. A diagram showing
that descriptive geometry’s interest area includes not only drawing,
but also thirteen other sections, has been presented.
Infra-M Academic Publishing House
Cited by
22 articles.