Descriptive Geometry — the Base of Computer Graphics


Сальков ,Sal'kov Nikolay


Everyone knows that descriptive geometry is a science, but there is no definition of the computer graphics. If computer graphics is announced as a science, you can continue to call descriptive geometry outdated and to demand of its abolition. But if the computer graphics has nothing to do with the science, and if it is only a tool to perform the procedures of descriptive geometry and other branches of geometry, everyone who tried to discredit descriptive geometry, will be in a difficult position: they will have nothing more to say, because in it is unwise to replace science on tool. It is known that engineering graphics so far does not have the status of science. It is a discipline that fully applies the laws of other geometrical sciences. There are many questions such as: why are there claims that descriptive geometry is 2D? Why do some specialists claim that descriptive geometry is a projection on a single plane? They forgot that descriptive geometry uses the method of two images or method of two traces. But this method of two images is used everywhere! On the first lecture we tell students: the projection is carried out on two planes of projection, a point in space can be fixed only by means of three coordinates and the point must have at least two projections. It means, that descriptive geometry works with three coordinates, in other words — in 3D. The image produced on the display screen in the so-called 3D, is neither more nor less than axonometric projection on the plane — appropriate section of descriptive geometry. In conclusion, the author offers to classify the computer graphics as a tool for the experience of all branches of geometrical science, but not as a free-standing science.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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