
Данилов ,Danilov Dmitriy,Беляева ,Beliaeva Nataliia,Мартынов ,Martynov Aleksey,Зайцев ,Zaytsev Dmitriy


The influence of composition on the dynamics of inventory indices of the mixed modal forest stands is considered: ridges with the groups of forest types of middle subzone of taiga in the territory of the Leningrad region, for 60 year period. The course of growth of pine and spruce in the mixed stand is due to the composition of the stand, which affects the entire life cycle of its development. Analysis of forest inventory data at the test plots has shown that the median line for the average height and diameter has the distinction of growth from tabular reference data. Differences in the dynamics of growth in valuation metrics over the study period is due to the initial density of pine, then spruce, and the degree of difference in the age of trees. The variability of average heights and diameters on the experimental plots is influenced by the share of particular species in the composition of the stand. The stand composition significantly affects average diameter and height of tiers, composing the mixed coniferous forest that was confirmed by single-factor analysis of variance. The sum of the areas of the cross sections at the pine tier of the virtually at all experienced objects increases up to the age of 100-120 years, and in spruce this dependence is shown only up to the age of 80-85 years. Pine tier depending on the initial density has a greater impact on the composition of the mixed stands than spruce. This can be considered as a fact of environmental compliance of the conditions of the types: ridges with groups of forest types, for successful growth of pine. In mixed stands, untouched by commercial logging, the spruce element, quantitatively not exceeding the pine one, are stunted and produce less stock


Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov

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