
Danilov Dmitriy1,Beliaeva Nataliia2,Zaytsev Dmitriy2,Anisimova Irina3


1. Federal State Educational Scientific Institution «Leningrad Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture «Belogorka»

2. Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education «Saint-Petersburg State Forest Technical University named after S.M. Kirov»

3. FGBOU VO «Sankt-Peterburgskiy gosudarstvennyy lesotehnicheskiy universitet imeni S.M. Kirova»


The influence of the stand composition on taxation indicators and the stock of mature pine and spruce stands have been considered. The objects of study are forest stands with different proportions of pine and spruce in the most represented green moss forests of the landscape of the Tikhvin Ridge (Boksitogorsky forestry) of the Leningrad region. Stock assessment and determination of taxation indicators were carried out on trial plots laid out according to standard forestry methods. Commodity structure of the stand and different yield of assortments by size categories depend on the share of participation of one or another species in the composition of the plantation by the age of clear-cutting in the taiga zone in different types of forests. The purpose of the study was to determine optimal plantation composition in terms of stock and large-scale marketability by the age of maturity of the stand. The most productive in terms of stock and output of large-scale coniferous wood under the studied growing conditions are pine forests with a stand composition of 8C2E, 7C1E2B, 5C4E1B and spruce forests with a composition of 7E1C2B, 4E2C4Os+B. The obtained results of the study show that with an increase in the share of pine in the plantations of the green moss group of forest types, the yield of large-sized coniferous wood assortments increases by the age of a ripe forest stand


Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov


General Medicine

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