Effect of stand structure on density of pine and spruce wood in myrtillus forest type


Данилов ,Danilov Dmitriy,Смирнов ,Smirnov A.


Mixed stands of spruce and pine of myrtillus y forest types occupy large areas of the forest fund of the Leningrad region. For the theory and practice of forestry it is important to know the impact of plantations on the density of wood in bunk mixed spruce-pine stands. In mixed stands of pine and spruce disks and cores of wood species were selected from the model tree to determine the basic density by the method of maximum water capacity. The study of basic wood density of pine and spruce in the coniferous bunk stands revealed that its rates are higher for both species in the mixed forest stand than in pure coniferous plantations in the region of the study. With the predominance of pines in the stand composition, its wood density is higher than in stands dominated by spruce. Density of pinewood increases from smaller to larger classes of stand diameters. Variability of wood density by diameter of trunk is higher in spruce than in pine in mixed stands. In stands, after cutting dilutes the density of pinewood is lower than in the plantation, which is not passed with felling. In the bunk spruce-pine the stand, to the age of maturity, larger mass of stem wood of coniferous species is formed than in the pure one-tier stands of pine or spruce. Developed regression equations depending on the density of the wood at a height of 1.3 m to the average density of trunk allow for a more accurate assessment of this parameter in mixed stands than previously published equations for pure stands of myrtillus forest types for the study area.


Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov

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