
Fayzrakhmanov Dzhaudat1,Valiev Ayrat1,Ziganshin Bulat1,Subaeva Asiya2,Zalaltdinov Marat1


1. Kazan State Agrarian University

2. FGBOU VO «Kazanskiy gosudarstvennyy agrarnyy universitet»


The level of providing the population with livestock products at the expense of their own production largely depends on the development of grain production, which is an important strategic component of the country's food security. Achieving this goal is possible only with the stable functioning of the entire agricultural sector, the main direction of which is to increase the volume of grain production and increase the economic efficiency of its organization and management. Grain farming is the basis of agricultural production, which has a decisive influence on the development of all its branches. In connection with the above, the analysis of the state of grain production in the Russian Federation in the conditions of transition to export-oriented production becomes relevant. In this connection, the analysis of the sown areas of grain and leguminous crops in farms of all categories, in the context of the main categories of farms of the Russian Federation, was carried out. In addition, a study of the yield of grain and leguminous crops in the context of the main categories of farms of the Russian Federation was conducted, all this allowed us to state that the intensive development of grain production for the period from 2016 to 2020. it became possible due to a change in the structure of sown areas, an increase in the yield of grain and leguminous crops. Thus, in the main category of grain producers, the gross harvest increased by 8.1 %, amounting to 93.2 thousand tons. in peasant (farm) farms, the volume of grain production increased by 17.7 % or from 33.47 to 39.41 million tons. In the households of the population, the gross grain harvest was distinguished by a downward trend – from 1023 thousand tons to 858 thousand tons, or by 16.1 % compared to the level of the base year


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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