
Mukhamadiarov Farzutdin1,Starkova Darya1,Permyakova Ekaterina1


1. Vyatka State Agrotechnological University


Grain is one of the main elements of food security of both the country and the region. Without grain production, the development of the food industry, animal husbandry and other branches of the agro-industrial complex is impossible. Between 2001 and 2021 in the Kirov region, the sown areas of winter rye and oats decreased by almost 3 times, spring wheat by 2 times. In general, the decrease in the area under crops of grain and leguminous crops during the study period amounted to 353.2 thousand hectares or 53%. In the structure of crops, the shares of winter rye and oats significantly decreased against the background of an increase in the share of winter wheat crops. During the period under review, the productivity of grain and leguminous crops in the region varied from 12.6 c/ha in 2004 and 2006 to to 21.7 centners/ha in 2019. On average, 16.9 centners were collected per unit area during the study period, with a coefficient of variation of 17.9%. The constructed linear trend indicates a tendency for an average annual increase in yield by 0.3 c/ha. Average annual gross harvest of cereals and legumes 2015-2020 compared to 2001 - 2005 decreased by almost 20%. Grain production per capita declined significantly over the study period, amid a decline in livestock and poultry in the region.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


Energy Engineering and Power Technology,Fuel Technology

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