
Батталова ,Battalova Alina


Food security of the region is an important sphera of not only of scientific research, but also of public policy. The problem of ensuring food security in the region is an integral character, as it accumulates the key highlights agro-industrial and economic modernization, the real state and development tendencies of agricultural and food products, domestic food market, changes its degree of dependence on imports, the solvency of the population in different regions of Russia. The object of study is the Volga Federal district (PFO), which is one of the leading in the country in terms of industrial development and one of the main agricultural regions of Russia, producing about 27% of agricultural production. The main production potential of the Volga Federal district is concentrated in the Republic of Tatarstan and Bashkortostan, Samara, Nizhny Novgorod and Perm Krai. The system of indicators to measure food security includes 3 main groups: indicators in the field of production, consumption and organizational activity. In this article let´s consider the first group of indicators. The study provided the statistical data for 2010-2014. On the basis of the analysis of the status and development of agriculture and food industry at the regional level in the context of part of the Volga Federal district of the Russian Federation, we can conclude that the indicators of food security in general have high values, PFO is a leader in many respects, the pace of development is positive.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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