1. Kazan state agrarian University
The results of two-year experiments to study the effect on the yield and grain quality of spring soft wheat of a full dose of mineral fertilizers in various combinations for pre-sowing cultivation, as well as foliar top dressing at a dose of N30 in the tillering and milk ripeness phase are reported. Fertilizers increased grain yield to varying degrees and had different effects on the technological qualities of grain. According to the grain yield of spring wheat of the Ulyanovsk 105 variety, on average for 2 years, the best options were: N90P90K30 (an increase of 3,6 t /ha) and N30P90K30 + N30 with top dressing in the tillering phase (an increase of 3,71 t/ha). According to the Tulaykovskaya Nadezhda variety, the best is the introduction of a complete mineral fertilizer (N30P90K30) with one and two top dressing (an increase in yield of 0,53 and 0,57 t/ha). Mineral fertilizers had a positive effect on grain quality in both varieties of spring wheat. The grain quality of the Ulyanovsk 105 variety is significantly improved under the influence of fertilizers. The vitreous content of the grain in the control was 52% in 2022 and 64% in 2023. In all variants with fertilizer, it is in the range of 60,0-79,0% in 2022 and 68,5-75,9% in 2023. In the Tulaykovskaya Nadezhda variety, the vitreous content of grain in 2022 increased from 45% in the control to 49 ...60% in other variants, and in 2023, respectively, from 57 to 60 ... 71%. The content of the mass fraction of gluten in the grain of the control variant in 2022 was 17,1%, protein 10,5%. The use of fertilizers contributed to an increase in the amount of gluten to 28,8%, protein to 11,6...13,8%. A similar situation was observed in 2023. The highest content of protein and gluten in the grain of the harvest of 2022 and 2023. it was observed in the variant with one and two nitrogen fertilizers (13,5...13,8% and 14,5...14,9%), 26,0...28,8 % and 33,0...33,6%, respectively.
Infra-M Academic Publishing House
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