Postmodernism vs wholeness: socio-political discourse


Ishutin A.1


1. Moscow University for Industry and Finance «Synergiya»


The purpose of the article is to examine the ideological origins and political consequences of postmodernism in the contemporary world. The article uses such methods of scientific research as the comparative method, the retrospective method, and the hermeneutical method. The author of the article claims that in the context of the collapse of the project «Modern» and the idea of a mechanistic man, postmodernism becomes the ideology of Western civilization. At first, postmodernism identified itself only in the narrow world of philosophical circles, but even then it declared itself as a worldview of radical completion of the era of wholeness, «Big projects», «metanarratives» and universality. Prominent representatives of this ideology were the philosopher Gilles Deleuze and the psychoanalyst Felix Guattari, who proclaimed «rhizome» as a new social ideal, in which, as in a mushroom, there are no roots, centers and supports. In the same way, a contemporary man, according to their worldview, should not take root anywhere or in anything: neither in value, nor in culture, nor in spatial terms. A person in society becomes an unrooted nomad who is not able to cognize the world or transform it. As a result, the world is rapidly divided into a nomadic paradise of nomadic Hedonists and a nomadic hell for most of the world's population. According to a European representative of the elite, Jacques Attali, this situation is becoming an irrevocable socio-political reality.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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