State support for small and medium-sized businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic (on the example of the Moscow region)


Alekseev Roman1,Dyudyun Tatyana2


1. Moscow region Moscow state regional University.

2. Central Russian Institute of Humanities and Technology


The purpose of the study is a comprehensive analysis of state support measures for medium and small businesses in the Moscow region during the COVID-19 pandemic, conducted through the prism of such indicators as: the tax system, financial and other measures to support small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs). The statistical analysis method was used to track the dynamics of the structure and quantitative composition of SME entities from 2018 to 2020. At the same time, the SWOT analysis method was used to identify the weaknesses and strengths of state support measures for SMEs (both at the federal and regional levels), challenges, and threats. The positive results of state support measures include: reduction of insurance premium rates, preferential loans for system-forming enterprises, provision of zero-interest salary loans, simplification of requirements for securing state contracts, extension of licenses and permits that expired from March to the end of December 2020, introduction of a moratorium on initiating legal entities ' insolvency cases for six months, postponement of accounting and tax reporting for three months, as well as a number of other economic measures. Among the weaknesses of state support measures are: insufficient monitoring of SMEs that received state support, weak development of regional and municipal infrastructure to support SMEs, and measures aimed at promoting investment in this area.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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