Necessary knowledge for students about countering extremism (textbook «The Policy of countering extremism» edited by A. P. Koshkin


Matyuhin A.1


1. Moscow State Linguistic University


The purpose of this review is to analyze and identify the socio-political, scientific and methodological significance of the textbook "The Policy of Countering Extremism". This original and extremely important textbook for Russian students, under the general editorship of Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor A. P. Koshkin, was prepared by the author's team of the Department of Political Science and Sociology of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics and published in 2021. The textbook has a clear structure, justification of the social significance of teaching such a course in Russian universities, and the necessary methodological set for studying and consolidating the material. The concept of "countering extremism" is defined here as an activity aimed at protecting the state, society and the individual from manifestations that are actually or potentially destructive and violent. The authors of the textbook highlight the basic blocks of studying this issue, reflected in the main sections of the material, devoted to the legal aspects of countering extremism in modern Russia, as well as targeted countering extremism in the space of information culture. The author's team of the textbook gives not only scientific ideas about the realities of the policy of countering extremism in the Russian Federation, but also allocates the necessary reserves to improve the effectiveness of this policy in the regulatory and information areas of public life. The purpose of the textbook is seen as an important material that contributes to the rationalization of the consciousness of Russian students, the formation of a full-fledged picture of the world, the education of citizenship and patriotism.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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