1. Moscow State Academic Art Institute named after V.I. Surikov
2. Moskovskiy tehnologicheskiy universitet
In the paper "On the Increasing Role of Geometry", published in the electronic "Journal of Natural Science Research" in 2017, it was outspoken a hypothesis that now, at the time of innovative technologies, the importance of geometry is constantly increasing. The significance of geometry is also demonstrated by numerous Ph.D. and doctoral dissertations in the specialty No 05.01.01 - “Engineering Geometry and Computer Graphics”. It can be affirmed that all and everyone dissertations of technical and technological profile contain a geometric component to one degree or another. The "Geometry and Graphics" journal turned 8 (it was founded in June 2012). During this time, on its pages have been published numerous scientific papers, developing namely geometry and its branches: from simplest geometric constructions based on new properties of both lines and surfaces, to imaginary elements. Investigations were conducted in the following areas: “New Directions in Geometry”, “Fractal Geometry”, “Multidimensional Geometry”, “Geometric Constructions”, “Construction and Research of Surfaces”, “Imaginary Geometry”, “Practical Application of Geometry”, “Computer Graphics”, “Descriptive Geometry as Basis of other Branches of Geometry” ,”Geometry of Phase Spaces”. The journal publishes both recognized scientists and candidate for Ph.D. and doctor degrees.
The considered array of papers clearly confirms the statement of the majority of authors, published in the journal, about geometry continuous development, which knocks out the ground for skeptics who decided that geometry is the science of the past centuries. As long as objects with shapes and surfaces surround us, geometry will be in demand. This, as they say, is unequivocal.
Infra-M Academic Publishing House
Reference96 articles.
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Cited by
4 articles.