Features of Distance Learning in Geometric and Graphic Disciplines Using Methods of Constructive Geometric Modeling


Boyashova E.1


1. St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications named after Professor M.A. Bonch-Bruevich


The article is devoted to the peculiarities of teaching the discipline "Descriptive geometry" in the conditions of distance learning, it examines the application of information technologies in the educational process in geometric and graphic disciplines. Increasing the speed of information processes, reducing the number of hours for mastering the discipline. the conditions of distance learning set new tasks for teachers and dictate their requirements for teaching graphic disciplines and the use of teaching experience in a new reality; there is a need to introduce and develop new forms of education without losing the quality of education. Geometric-graphic disciplines occupy one of the important places in technical education, the complexity of the study of which lies in the development of a graphical representation of phenomena, objects and processes by methods of constructive geometric modeling. The knowledge and skills acquired by students contribute to the development of spatial, imaginative and rational thinking, which is necessary for future professional activities. Descriptive geometry is a discipline that is not easy to master on your own without a conscious understanding of the logic and sequence of geometric constructions, without deep knowledge of theoretical foundations and constant, repeated implementation of practical tasks. The acquisition of practical skills in mastering the methods of discipline has become more difficult in the current epidemiological situation. In modern conditions of distance learning, the use of the Simplex geometric modeling system made it possible to develop and propose a new concept of geometric-graphic interaction, which significantly reduced the time for completing and checking educational tasks in real time. The proposed technology reveals the deep informational essence of the studied discipline "Descriptive Geometry" and becomes a powerful research tool for students. The integration of traditional teaching methods in the graphic preparation of students with computer and communication facilities increases the possibilities of communication and improves the quality of teaching.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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