Cause and Effect Diagram of the Problems of Geometric and Graphic Training of Students at a Technical University


Verhoturova E.1,Ivaschenko G.2


1. Irkutsk National Research Technical University

2. Bratsk State University


This article discusses the prospects for applying cause-and-effect analysis - the Ishikawa diagram for visualizing the problems of geometric-graphic training of students of a technical university. The structure of the study using the diagram included the implementation of successive stages. At the first stage, an exhaustive list of problems affecting the level of geometric and graphic training at the university was compiled. At the second stage of the cause-and-effect analysis, problems (factors) were systematized according to semantic sections (logical blocks): employees and the student (person, human factor), material and technical base and educational environment (equipment and other means to ensure the educational process); educational technologies and organization of the educational process, means and technologies for assessing learning outcomes. The next stage included systematization and ranking of problems within logical partitions. This made it possible to identify in a simple and accessible form the most significant factors in the emergence of the problem under study at three levels. The implementation of the last three stages made it possible to complete the study with obtaining the final structure of the factors of the problem of a low level of geometric and graphic training of students. The result of the study was a graphical interpretation of the results of the cause-and-effect analysis. Thus, the possibility of using the diagram to identify the most significant cause-factors that affect the level of mastering the disciplines of the graphic cycle by students, as well as a means of visualizing the cause-and-effect analysis, is shown.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


General Medicine

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