Interdisciplinary connections of descriptive geometry and related sections of higher mathematics


Дмитриева ,Dmitrieva I.,Иванов ,Ivanov G.,Серегин ,Seregin V.,Муравьев ,Muravev K.


Traditional course of descriptive geometry as an academic discipline is generally providing for engineering graphics and some sections (such as toothed gears worm-gear drives) related to theories of mechanisms and details for cars. Its transformation in a course of engineering geometry is caused by requirements of production, current trends and world experience related to engineering skills training for their professional design activity [1, 2, 3]. Expansion of descriptive geometry subject by forms of multidimensional space allows establish cross-subjects connection with related mathematical and all-technical disciplines. This thesis justice is confirmed by examples of evident geometrical interpretation of linear equations systems decision, concepts related to private derivatives and multiple integrals. According to authors an expansion of descriptive geometry applications area has to raise descriptive geometry role in higher professional education system.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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