Computer simulation of radiation effects on high-speed non-volatile memory


Chubunov Pavel1,Lapshin Artem2,Solodilov Maksim3,Ryazancev Roman4,Gamzatov N.5,Evdokimova Svetlana3


1. AO "Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut kosmicheskogo priborostroeniya"

2. AO "Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut priborov"

3. Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov

4. AO "VZPP-S"

5. Scientific research institute «Submicron»


The article is devoted to the study of radiation effects on non-volatile memory. The basis of non-volatile memory with high speed is the ferroelectric effect. The paper describes the principle of operation of FRAM memory, considers the characteristics of various options for the implementation of FRAM. Particular attention is paid to the description of experimental studies of the resistance of FRAM to the effects of ionization radiation from outer space. PZT-FRAMs from three manufacturers, Krysalis Corporation, National Semiconductor Corporation, and Sandia National Laboratories, were considered. The paper illustrates the dependences of the switching charge under the influence of X-rays, the charge change during irradiation and annealing at low temperatures, plots of Hysteresis loops, etc. The influence of neutrons on PZT FRAM was studied by measuring the total switching charge observed when measuring the Hysteresis loop; residual charge; effect on repeated read/write cycles. The experiment involved three samples with different PZT films 240, 250, and 400 nm thick.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


General Medicine

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