The Process of Staff Adaptation in the System of Social and Psychological Support of the Digital Economy Development


Иванова И.1,Ivanova I.2


1. Финансовый университет при Правительстве Российской Федерации

2. Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation


The importance of implement the processes of adaptation of personnel during the implementation of information and technological changes in the organization is focused in this article. The practice of using the latest technologies and methods of work in the digital space actualizes the processes of social and psychological support of the staff. It needs to study the people attitude to the new format of interaction in the virtual environment of the organization is caused by the desire to study their readiness to perform their professional functions in modern conditions. The popularity of electronic resources and the increasing necessity its using increases the importance of studying staff attitudes to new conditions, as well as needs to develop a system of measures on the part of the organization that would ensure the most optimal timing of the new technologies development. The use of electronic resources in all areas of work with the staff has a number of advantages and disadvantages, as well as problems and risks. Based on the reasonable theory and practice of adaptation in organizations, it is possible to prevent many negative consequences, to reveal the real prospects of their use in organizations in order to develop and improve the stuff management system in modern conditions.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


Religious studies,Cultural Studies

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