1. Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
This article presents modern aspects of intangible motivation and labor stimulation in modern academic highlights and real practice in organizations. The extra attention is paid to the detecting of intangible benefits in organizations, which depends on the influence of external and internal factors that determine the need to use an individual approach when developing motivational programs. Due to implementing informational and communicational technologies in the process of digitalization, the need for social and psychological support of personnel is actualized, which, according to the author, should be taken into account in the system of motivation and stimulation of labor. Organizational and economic changes, generational shifts, change of values, the impact of globalization, scientific and technological progress, changing needs, and the active spread of electronic resources affect the relations between personnel and labor, increasing the importance of studying the motives of their labor behavior in new circumstances. The author considers motivation and stimulation as a direction in working with people, mainly focuses on finding reserves associated with optimal spending and obtaining effective results, which can ensure the use of intangible benefits. Furthermore, based on the existing theory and practice of motivation and stimulation, the author suggests integrating it into the modern environment, pointing to the need to preserve the already accumulated experience and increase it in the conditions of digitalization.
Infra-M Academic Publishing House
Religious studies,Cultural Studies
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