Axiological Aspects of Development of Communicative Strategies for Gender Balance in English


Shchedromirskaya Anna1ORCID,Korenev A.1ORCID


1. Lomonosov Moscow State University


The article studies the issue of preserving and strengthening traditional values in English classes with the help of communicative strategies for gender balance. This issue seems relevant, since it seems necessary to consider how the implementation of state policy in moral education can influence the process of teaching a foreign language. The purpose of the study is to analyze educational literature used in English classes and assess the extent to which the characters and personalities mentioned in it contribute to the strengthening of traditional values and the formation of Russia’s positive contribution to world history and culture. The study is conducted using quantitative content analysis, which calculates the total number of male and female personalities and precedent names mentioned, as well as the number of male and female personalities related to the historical and cultural heritage of Russia. The analysis showed insufficient representation in textbooks on the subject “English language” of outstanding figures and famous personalities, both male and female, related to the culture and history of Russia, and therefore it seems possible to develop a requirement for balance as a unified approach to filling both textbooks, teaching aids, and pedagogical speech in foreign languages in general.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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