1. Lomonosov Moscow State University
2. Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
The article is devoted to the difficulties in mastering professional terminology in pre-service language teachers’ education. The aim of the article is to consider this problem in the context of professional communication. Critical analysis of research literature, monitoring and observation of the educational process, as well as diagnostic and final testing in Russian and English were used as research methods. The results of diagnostic testing showed the difficulties of graduate students in defining terms from the field of education and language pedagogy. The results of the final tests clearly indicate the effectiveness of the course described in the article in terms of mastering professional terminology. The scientific novelty in this case consists not only in singling out graduate students who are undergoing academic adaptation into a separate group, but also in considering various aspects of the formation of professionally oriented lexical competence in future language teachers. The practical significance lies both in the possibility of using the course described in the article in other universities, and in the possibility of compiling similar courses on its basis for other profiles and areas of education.
Infra-M Academic Publishing House
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2 articles.