1. College of Plant Science and Technology, HuazhongAgricultural University, Wuhan City, Hubei Province, PR China
2. Library of Huazhong Agricultural University, WuhanCity, Hubei Province, PR China
BACKGROUND: The strawberry (Fragaria×annanasa Duch.) is a fresh fruit of its attractive colour, good flavor and enrichment of nutrients in the world. OBJECTIVE: This study analyzed the 3,885 strawberry research papers both article and review types from Food Science and Technology category. METHODS: The data were searched and extracted from Web of Science database, and were analyzed by bibliometric science and visualization tools. RESULTS: Papers mainly written in English (3,754, 96.628%), were from 12,695 authors, 94 countries/territories, 2,689 organizations and in 168 Journals and book series. The top five Journals were Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (432, 11.12%), Food Chemistry (338, 8.7%), Postharvest Biology and Technology (245, 6.306%), Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (187, 4.813%) and Journal of Food Science (185, 4.762%), which each published more than 185 papers. The top five countries and regions were USA, Spain, Peoples R China, Italy and Brazil. The top five organizations were CSIC, ARS (USDA ARS), Univ Calif Davis, Univ Politecn Valencia and Zhejiang Univ. The top five authors were Battino Maurizio, Giampieri Francesca, Wang Shiow Y. (Wang, SY), Mezzetti Bruno and Carle Reinhold (Carle R), each published more than 23 papers. All keywords of the strawberry research from Food Science and Technology category were separated nine clusters for different research topics. CONCLUSIONS: The paper could provide a valuable guide for designing future studies, and is also useful for student identifying graduate schools and researchers selecting journals.
Horticulture,Plant Science,Soil Science,Agronomy and Crop Science,Biochemistry,Food Science