1. University of Lleida
2. Polytechnic University of Catalonia
Research on English-medium instruction (EMI) has pointed to lecturers’ refusal to teach or correct English. This
study seeks empirical evidence to investigate the extent to which content lecturers’ assessment practices align with their
expressed beliefs regarding language teaching. Drawing on three types of data – a questionnaire, interviews and students’ exams –
we aimed at finding and exploring EMI lecturers’ written corrective feedback (WCF) as part of language assessment practices.
Findings suggest that while EMI content lecturers repeatedly express their refusal to teach English, their actual teaching
practices show evidence of some provision of language-related feedback. These findings are discussed against university language
education policy. A gate opener lecturer profile is identified whose corrective feedback creates opportunities
for correctly using disciplinary English.
John Benjamins Publishing Company
Linguistics and Language,Language and Linguistics,Education
Cited by
8 articles.