1. Istituto per la Microelettronica e Microsistemi (IMM-CNR)
2. I-95121 Catania
3. Italy
4. School of Physics and Technology
5. Wuhan University
6. Wuhan 430072
7. China
8. Institute for Molecules and Materials
9. State Key Laboratory of Infrared Physics
10. Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics
11. Chinese Academy of Sciences
12. Shanghai
13. Department of Physics
14. University of Arkansas
15. Fayetteville
16. USA
17. Institute for Nanoscience and Engineering
18. Department of Physics and Engineering Physics
19. Tulane University
20. New Orleans
21. University of Calabria
22. 87036 Rende (CS)
23. Itay
24. Fondazione Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia
25. Graphene Labs
26. 16163 Genova
27. Department of Physical and Chemical Sciences