1. Department of Food Science
2. University of Naples Federico II
3. I-80055 Portici
4. Italy
5. Department of Food Engineering
6. Hacettepe University
7. 06800 Beytepe
8. Turkey
9. NutriFOODchem group
10. Department of Food Safety and Food Quality (member of Food2Know)
11. Ghent University
12. B-9000 Gent
13. Belgium
14. Food Research Institute
15. NPPC National Agricultural and Food Centre
16. 824 75 Bratislava
17. Slovakia
18. Department of Food Science and Nutrition
19. School of Biosystems Engineering and Food Science
20. Zhejiang University
21. Hangzhou
22. PR China
23. Department of Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering
24. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
25. Santiago
26. Chile
27. Food Quality & Design Group
28. Wageningen University
29. 6700 EV Wageningen
30. The Netherlands