1. О. М. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv
Socio-economic problems of regional development in Ukraine necessitate attention to the mechanisms of state regional socio-economic policy. Modern scholars in the field of public administration pay special attention to the study of the mechanisms of state regional socio-economic policy. However, the issues of improving the mechanisms of the state regional socio-economic policy remain insufficiently researched. Theoretical principles of the state regional social and economic policy, its mechanisms and directions of their improvement are investigated. It is noted that in modern conditions the state is engaged in socio-economic sphere at the regional level to stimulate effective development of productive forces of regions, rational use of resources, ensuring a high standard of living, environmental security and improving the territorial organization of society. Socio-economic transformations that have taken place in recent years in Ukraine indicate the need to improve the mechanisms of state regional socio-economic policy. Lack of interconnected regulatory framework through which the state would consistently influence regional socio-economic development, imperfection of organizational, economic and information support of state regional socio-economic policy in Ukraine leads to the construction of a comprehensive mechanism of state regional socio-economic policy, which should be aimed at ensuring the achievement of the objectives of such a policy, to increase its effectiveness. In the context of modern global challenges, special attention should be paid to the strategic approach to the state regional socio-economic policy in Ukraine.
Leonid Yuzkov Khmelnytskyi University of Management and Law
Reference4 articles.
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