Peculiarities of applying mechanisms for the restoration and development of territories in accordance with functional types


Turchak Dmytro V.ORCID


The article aims to determine the features of the mechanisms that will be used to restore Ukraine in accordance with the existing division into functional types of territories. In chronological order, the article analyzes the main legislative acts that determine the order and features of the planning process of the recovery of our state from the consequences of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation. The author notes that a new system of regional classification has been developed for the effective selection of mechanisms for the adjustment of the socio-economic sphere. The article emphasizes that when determining what type a specific territory belongs to, as well as taking into account the real level of threat and the scale of destruction caused by the Russian party, an appropriate set of recovery tools should be selected. Their application should be focused on the poles of economic growth, on the territories of sustainable development, and in areas with special operating conditions. The author argues that the reconstruction process must comply with all the principles of European governance. The implementation of democratic transformations within the country, the fight against corruption, and the completion of the decentralization reform are key drivers of the effective application of recovery mechanisms and tools. The article explains that the implementation of measures to implement reconstruction programs in the regions that suffered the greatest destruction and were in a state of temporary occupation is an extremely difficult task and requires an adaptive approach taking into account the entire set of factors of their development. The procedure for restoring the damaged and destroyed infrastructure is considered separately. The authors note that the priority tasks include the establishment of transport connections and interregional logistics. Further measures may vary depending on the extent of damage and specific needs on the ground. The role of international support for the successful implementation of the recovery plan developed by the government of Ukraine is characterized.


State Institution - Institute of regional research named after M.I. Dolishniy of NAS of Ukraine

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