


The article examines the problems of implementing project activities of students in school education. Project activity allows students to assert themselves, self-actualize on an intellectual and creative level, showing their best qualities and character traits. The law "on education in the Russian Federation" also pays great attention to teaching the basics of project activities to schoolchildren. Today, this issue has gone beyond discussion and has become widespread in practice. Project activities are implemented not only in primary, but also in secondary and high schools. In many regions of the Russian Federation, school teachers are actively learning the basics of project activities in the framework of training platforms, teacher training courses, and the basics of project activities are studied in the curricula of pedagogical universities. However, the practice of implementing project activities in the educational process has caused a number of problems that significantly reduce the potential inherent in it. These include: the lack of internal motivation of students to implement projects, almost complete lack of successful experience in implementing projects by school teachers, the contradiction between the accepted forms of final certification (Unified state exam, General state exam) and the requirements for projects, the inability to assess the quality of completed projects by objective criteria. In this work, the sources of these problems are considered at the system level, the contradictions that cause their occurrence are formulated, and the directions for finding solutions to eliminate the above-described problems are indicated. Solutions are proposed to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of project activities of students at school.


Association "Professional Analytics of Autopoiesis Systems"

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