1. President of the Russian Federation. Decree No. 204 dated 5 May, 2018 “On the national goals and strategic objectives of the development of the Russian Federation up to 2024”. https://www.garant.ru/products/ipo/prime/doc/71837200/ (accessed 23.02.2023). (In Russian).
2. Russian Federation. Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education. https://base.garant.ru/197127/53f89421bbdaf741eb2d1ecc4ddb4c33 (accessed 23.02.2023). (In Russian).
3. Russian Federation. Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education. https://base.garant.ru/55170507/53f89421bbdaf741eb2d1ecc4ddb4c33/ (accessed 23.02.2023). (In Russian).
4. Russian Federation. Federal state educational standard of secondary general education. https://base.garant.ru/70188902/8ef641d3b80ff01d34be16ce9bafc6e0/ (accessed 23.02.2023). (In Russian).
5. Portal of federal state educational standards of higher education. Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education in the areas of undergraduate studies. https://fgosvo.ru/fgosvo/index/4 (accessed 23.02.2023). (In Russian).