Somkuwar RG,Ghule VS,Sharma AK,Naik S
Grape is one of the major fruit crops of the country. Fifteen grape varieties were evaluated for raisin making and raisin quality. The average bunch weight was higher in Sundekhani (261.67 g) followed by Black Prince (220.00 g) while the variety Ribier recorded the lowest bunch weight of 112.33 g. The number of bunches was maximum in Thompson Seedless suggesting high fruitfulness. Amongst the different varieties, TSS ranged from 21.90 °B in Convent Large Black to 23.40 °B in Manjari Kishmish followed by 2A Clone (23.37 0B) and Thompson Seedless with 23.33 °B. The raisin recovery was maximum in Manjari Kishmish (27.37%) followed by 26.93% in Clone-2A and 26.70% in Thompson Seedless. The results of the present investigation suggest the superiority of 2A Clone, Manjari Kishmish and Thompson Seedless for the production of better quality raisins under tropical conditions.
Society for Advancement of Viticulture and Enology