In streamlined flow past a flat plate aligned with a uniform stream, it is shown that (
) the Goldstein near-wake and (
) the Blasius boundary layer are
solutions locally for the classical boundary layer equations, whereas (
) the Rott-Hakkinen very-near-wake appears to be unique. In each of (
) and (
) an alternative solution exists, which has reversed flow and which apparently cannot be discounted on immediate grounds. So, depending mainly on how the alternatives for (
), (
) develop downstream, the symmetric flow at high Reynolds numbers could have two, four or more steady forms. Concerning non-streamlined flow, for example past a bluff obstacle, new similarity forms are described for the pressure-free viscous symmetric closure of a predominantly slender long wake beyond a large-scale separation. Features arising include non-uniqueness, singularities and algebraic behaviour, consistent with non-entraining shear layers with algebraic decay. Non-uniqueness also seems possible in reattachment onto a solid surface and for non-symmetric or pressure-controlled flows including the wake of a symmetric cascade.
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12 articles.