1. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 125080, Moscow, Russia
We consider the problem of constructing reachable sets, i.e., sets of terminal states into which a system can be transferred from the origin in a fixed time, and 0-controllability sets, i.e., sets of initial states, from which a system can be transferred to the origin in a fixed time, for stationary linear discrete systems with a total control constraint. The representation of reachable and 0-controllable sets as linear transformations of superellipsoidal sets of finite and infinite dimensions is proved. A constructive method for describing the desired sets based on the apparatus of supporting half-planes is proposed, including for the limit sets of reachability and controllability. In the case of Euclidean spaces, the description is obtained explicitly. Examples are given. For a three-dimensional satellite motion control system in a near-circular orbit, reachability sets are modeled.
The Russian Academy of Sciences
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Cited by
2 articles.