The development of science and technology is a characteristic of the 21st century, requiring students to have 4C skills. Preliminary studies show that students' creative thinking and communication skills still need to improve. The renewable energy e-module integrated with the PBL model with smartphones is an important aspect that supports improving students' creative thinking and communication skills. This research aims to determine the validity and practicality of the e-module. The development in this research refers to the Hannafin and Peck design model. The research object is a renewable energy e-module integrated with the PBL model and a smartphone. The instrument used to collect data was a validity and practicality test questionnaire. The technique for analyzing the data used is descriptive statistics. Two research results were obtained based on the data analysis carried out. The research results are the validity of the e-module with a value of 0.80 and the practicality of using the e-module according to teachers and students with a value of 92.86 and 86.40. The research results concluded that the renewable energy e-module integrated with the PBL model with a smartphone was valid and practical in terms of being very good for supporting the physics learning process.
Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
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