Systemic Strategic Planning and Budgeting of People-Centered Socio-Economic Development of the State and Regions (Institutionalization of Budgetary Federalism of the Unitary State)


Stoliarova V.V.1ORCID


1. Institute of Physical Economy named after S. A. Podolynskyi, Kyiv


In the article, in the order of formulation and discussion, a methodological approach to the strategic planned budgetary support of the tasks and measures of the human-centric, human-oriented, socio-economic development of the state and regions is substantiated. Using the harmonic proportions of the “Golden Section” (as standard ones), the boundaries of budgetary centralism with budgetary federalism and the scale of the zone of social dialogue between central and regional authorities in budget planning of financial support for the tasks and measures of strategic socio-economic development of the state and regions are determined. Definitions of the essence and content of human-centric socio-economic development and planned budgeting of strategic tasks and tactical measures of state management of the national economy in the conditions of externally imposed free liberalism are given. Keywords systemic strategic planning and budgeting, budgetary powers, financial support, human-centered socio-economic development, institutionalization of a unitary state, budgetary centralism and budgetary federalism, harmonic proportions of the “Golden Section”.


Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine


General Medicine

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