To the Ukrainian People – a Stable and Balanced Development (Historical and Analytical Essays: Rethinking the Past). Part 3. Retrospective of the Formation of Planning and Economic Independence at Different Levels of Management: Ideas, People, Destinies


Fokin V. P.


The article reveals the results of rethinking the formation of planning and economic independence of enterprises, associations and industries of the national economy (with specification on the example of the coal industry of Ukraine) under the influence of the Interdepartmental Commission for the Implementation of New Systems of Planning and Management Organization of the State Plan of the Ukrainian SSR in 1976-1990. In the context of awareness of the provisions of the “three S” doctrine (Social forecasting, Social planning, Social management), the strategizing of stable human-centered development has been carried out. The need to finalize the 2011, 2017 and 2020 draft of the Law of Ukraine “On State Planning” as a basis for building the Planning Code of Ukraine is justified. The experience of formation of the Sector of problems of the efficiency of management of Economic Research Institute of the State Plan of the Ukrainian SSR for scientific and methodological support of the development for the years 1976-1980, 1981-1985, 1986-1990 of the Plan for improving the management of the branches of the national economy of the subdepartmental Government of the Ukrainian SSR circle of ministries and departments of the republic is given. Based on the substantiation of the planned mechanism of harmonization of public, collective and personal economic interests, the essence of the initiative scientific work of the Sector of the Management Effectiveness of Economic Research Institute of the State Plan of the Ukrainian SSR regarding the modeling of the programtarget indicative planning of the socially-oriented economy of the republic as part of USSR was revealed. An example of integrated design of a comprehensive effective and flexible management system of mines, coal plants, industry as a whole in the conditions of planning and economic independence of the Ukrainian SSR as part of the USSR is given. Considered, as an alternative to the current Anglo-Saxon model of an open market with free prices, the methodological provisions of the two-sector model of the mixed economy “Market-Plan”, which should be used to clarify and improve the current market model of the economy in Ukraine. The article pays attention to a real example of the selection and training of domestic management personnel with innovative ideas of state-building, based on the example of the scientific work of Doctor of Economics, Professor Stolyarov Vasyl Fedosiyovych in 1972-1994, from a full-time graduate student of the university to the director of the Economic Research Institute of the State Plan of the Ukrainian SSR. Formulated questions for public discussion in the Discussion Club of the Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine.


Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine


General Medicine

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