To the Ukrainian People – Stable, Systematic and Sustainable Human Development (Historical and Analytical Essays: Reinterpretation of the Past). Part 5. System of Strategic Planning for Sustainable Human Development in Ukraine: a Vision of the Post-War Future


Fokin V.


The article summarizes the achievements and contribution of the national economy of the Ukrainian SSR as part of the Soviet Union on the eve of obtaining economic sovereignty and state independence. The main trends, initial conditions and effective signs of the intensification of social production in 1981-1990 are revealed. The working hypothesis of the essays was the consideration of alternative options for state decisions in the field of managing the national economy in 1991-2021 through an expert evaluation for the publications of Doctor of Economics, Professor Vasyl Feodosiyovych Stolyarov in the materials of the Discussion Club of the Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine. The national-historical origins of social and economic democratization in Ukraine of the last century are systematized and the essence and content of statehood and post-war state-building are determined in order to change the paradigm of the interaction of the Base and Superstructure of the state from material enrichment to spiritual development and moral flourishing of Ukrainian society. Definitions and examples of confederations and Сondominiums as management of separate territories by two states are given. Virtually modeled versions of Condominium creations in Ukraine. Attention is paid to the principle of territorial and land organization of the state, which was proposed at the beginning of the last century and was not taken into account in the first years of Ukraine’s independence. The directions of reforming the economic research institute of the State Plan of Ukraine and the role of its specialists in the formation of scientific and methodological support for social transformation are revealed. The essence and content of the indigenous fundamental law of Ukraine as the awareness of its people of the feeling of their native land as a national treasury of their own gene pool, as well as the consequences of its deliberate violation or deliberate use, are revealed. The questions for public discussion in the Discussion Club of the Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine are formulated.


Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University

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