A content validity study of signs, symptoms and diseases/health problems expressed in LIBRAS


Aragão Jamilly da Silva1,França Inacia Sátiro Xavier de1,Coura Alexsandro Silva1,Sousa Francisco Stélio de1,Batista Joana D'arc Lyra2,Magalhães Isabella Medeiros de Oliveira1


1. Universidade Estadual da Paraíba, Brazil

2. Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Brazil


Objectives: to validate the content of signs, symptoms and diseases/health problems expressed in LIBRAS for people with deafness Method: methodological development study, which involved 36 people with deafness and three LIBRAS specialists. The study was conducted in three stages: investigation of the signs, symptoms and diseases/health problems, referred to by people with deafness, reported in a questionnaire; video recordings of how people with deafness express, through LIBRA, the signs, symptoms and diseases/health problems; and validation of the contents of the recordings of the expressions by LIBRAS specialists. Data were processed in a spreadsheet and analyzed using univariate tables, with absolute frequencies and percentages. The validation results were analyzed using the Content Validity Index (CVI). Results: 33 expressions in LIBRAS, of signs, symptoms and diseases/health problems were evaluated, and 28 expressions obtained a satisfactory CVI (1.00). Conclusions: the signs, symptoms and diseases/health problems expressed in LIBRAS presented validity, in the study region, for health professionals, especially nurses, for use in the clinical anamnesis of the nursing consultation for people with deafness.




General Nursing

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