São Francisco river Integration Project, Eastern Axis: losses analysis and performance indicators


Farias Emmanuel Eduardo Vitorino de1,Curi Wilson Fadlo1,Diniz Laudízio da Silva2


1. Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Brazil

2. Companhia de Água e Esgotos da Paraíba, Brazil


ABSTRACT Water scarcity is an old problem in the brazilian Northeast semiarid region and limits the economic and social development of the region. To mitigate negative impacts of this situation, the National Integration Ministry elaborated the São Francisco River Integration Project (PISF). The State of Paraíba will benefit from this project through the East Axis and West Axis water transposition systems’ from the São Francisco river. The Paraíba riverbasin will receive the waters of the São Francisco river through the Eastern Axis, since the project foresees that, from the city of Monteiro-PB, the water will be transported through the bed of the Paraíba river. This type of transport will cause high water losses. The present work analyzes water distribution scenarios in terms of water losses, which were simulated with the Acquanet model. The first scenario simulates the current situation, without water transposition of PISF, and the other ones evaluate different ways of distributing the waters of the East Axis among the Paraíba river bed and different pipelines construction scenarios. The results have shown that the construction of pipelines will reduce water losses and increase social gain, through the increase of the benefited population.




Earth-Surface Processes,Water Science and Technology,Aquatic Science,Oceanography

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5. Distribuição da água do projeto de integração do rio São Francisco no estado da Paraíba - Eixo Leste: análise de perdas;FARIAS E. E. V.,2009








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