1. A generalized radial flow model for hydraulic tests in fractured rock
2. Groundwater chemistry in the Sellafield area: a preliminary interpretation
3. Bourdet, D. , Whittle, T. M, Douglas, A. A. & Pirard, Y-M. 1983. A new set of type curves simplifies well test analysis. World Oil May, 95-106.
4. Chakrabarty, C. & Doe, T. W. 1994. Analysis of transient pressure and rate behaviour of two-zone composite systems characterised by different flow dimensions. In: . Paper presented at the Annual Spring Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, Baltimore, USA. [Paper currently under review for Water Resources Research.].
5. Earlougher, R. C., Jr & Ramey, H. J, Jr 1973. Interference analysis in bounded systems. Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology Oct–Dec, 33-45.