1. 12. Liew B.K. , Fang D. , Cheung , Hu C. , Int. Rel. Phys. Symp. 1990 III; also see C. Hu, et al, publications by UCB/Electronics Research Lab, M90/2, 3, and 4, Electronics Research Lab of University of California, Berkeley.
2. 9. Denton D.L. , Semiconductor Internal, 1988, p. 145, JEDEC Task Force Member
3. 8. Vahle R.W. , Hanna R.J. , Proc. Int. Congress on Transportation Electronics, October 15–17, 1990, p. 225, published by Soc. of Automotive Engineers.
4. 6. Bellay L.M. , Ghate P.B. , Wagner L.C. , Proc. Int. Symp. for Testing and Failure Analysis, 1990, p. 89.