1. 5. Bentley J. , p. 73 in Proc. 38th Ann. Mtg. EMSA, Ed. by G. W. Bailey, Claitor's Pub. Div.(1980).
2. 2. Tempelhoff K. , Spiegelberg F. and Gleichmann R. , p. 585 in Semiconductor Si 1977, Ed. by H. R. Huff and E. Sirtl, Proceed. Vol. 77–2, Electrochem. Soc.(1977).
3. Formulae for light-element micro analysis by electron energy-loss spectrometry
4. 9. Bourret A. and Colliex C. , p. 12 in Imaging and Microanalysis with High Spatial Resolution, Proc. Castle Hot Springs Conf. 1982, Ed. by O. Krivanek HREM Facility, ASU(1982).
5. 10. Chan I.Y.T. , Abrahams M. S. and Carpenter R. W. , unpublished research, HREM Facility, Arizona State University, and R.C.A. Laboratories, Princeton, N.J.