1. 7 Zhao Y.C. , Carter W.B. , Theiss S.D. , Mitha S. , Aziz M.J. and Schiferl D. , (unpublished).
2. Point defects and dopant diffusion in silicon
3. Pressure effects on self-diffusion in silicon
4. 9 Gossmann H.-J. (private communication). The Bell Labs anneal took place in a furnace in argon of 99.95% purity flowing at 1.5 liters/minute at 850 °C for 45 minutes. The temperature was calibrated using solid phase epitaxial growth rates and using a thermocouple attached to the silicon and is believed to be accurate to within ± 100. The furnace and procedure are identical to those reported in H.-J. Gossmann, C.S. Rafferty, F.C. Unterwald and T. Boone, Appl. Phys. Lett. 67, 1558 (1995).