Formation of Paramagnetic Defects in the Synthesis of Silicon Carbide


Mukesh Nain12,Márkus Bence G.234ORCID,Jegenyes Nikoletta2ORCID,Bortel Gábor2,Bezerra Sarah M.25ORCID,Simon Ferenc24,Beke David23,Gali Adam26ORCID


1. Institute of Physics, ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, Egyetem tér 1-3., H-1053 Budapest, Hungary

2. Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Institute for Solid State Physics and Optics, H-1525 Budapest, Hungary

3. Stavropoulos Center for Complex Quantum Matter, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556, USA

4. Department of Physics, Institute of Physics and ELKH-BME Condensed Matter Research Group, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Műegyetem Rakpart 3., H-1111 Budapest, Hungary

5. Department of Physical Chemistry and Materials Science, Faculty of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Műegyetem Rakpart 3., H-1111 Budapest, Hungary

6. Department of Atomic Physics, Institute of Physics, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Műegyetem Rakpart 3., H-1111 Budapest, Hungary


Silicon carbide (SiC) is a very promising platform for quantum information processing, as it can host room temperature solid state defect quantum bits. These room temperature quantum bits are realized by paramagnetic silicon vacancy and divacancy defects in SiC that are typically introduced by irradiation techniques. However, irradiation techniques often introduce unwanted defects near the target quantum bit defects that can be detrimental for the operation of quantum bits. Here, we demonstrate that by adding aluminum precursor to the silicon and carbon sources, quantum bit defects are created in the synthesis of SiC without any post treatments. We optimized the synthesis parameters to maximize the paramagnetic defect concentrations—including already established defect quantum bits—monitored by electron spin resonance spectroscopy.


János Bolyai Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

UNKP-21 New National Excellence program

Quantum Information National Laboratory sponsored by the Ministry of Culture Innovation of Hungary via National Research

Development and Innovation Fund

infrastructure of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Hungarian National Research, Development and Innovation Office

V4-Japan Joint Research Program




Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Mechanical Engineering,Control and Systems Engineering

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