1. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Piazza L. da Vinci 32, 20133 Milano, Italy
2. Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI), Erik Palménin Aukio 1, FI-00560 Helsinki, Finland
Temperature is an important environmental factor for long-span bridges because it induces thermal loads on structural components that cause considerable displacements, stresses, and structural damage. Hence, it is critical to acquire up-to-date information on the status, sustainability, and serviceability of long-span bridges under daily and seasonal temperature fluctuations. This paper intends to investigate the effects of temperature variability on structural displacements obtained from remote sensing and represent their relationship using supervised regression models. In contrast to other studies in this field, one of the contributions of this paper is to leverage hybrid sensing as a combination of contact and non-contact sensors for measuring temperature data and structural responses. Apart from temperature, other unmeasured environmental and operational conditions may affect structural displacements of long-span bridges separately or simultaneously. For this issue, this paper incorporates a correlation analysis between the measured predictor (temperature) and response (displacement) data using a linear correlation measure, the Pearson correlation coefficient, as well as nonlinear correlation measures, namely the Spearman and Kendall correlation coefficients and the maximal information criterion, to determine whether the measured environmental factor is dominant or other unmeasured conditions affect structural responses. Finally, three supervised regression techniques based on a linear regression model, Gaussian process regression, and support vector regression are considered to model the relationship between temperature and structural displacements and to conduct the prediction process. Temperature and limited displacement data related to three long-span bridges are used to demonstrate the results of this research. The aim of this research is to assess and realize whether contact-based sensors installed in a bridge structure for measuring environmental and/or operational factors are sufficient or if it is necessary to consider further sensors and investigations.
General Earth and Planetary Sciences
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14 articles.