A Decade of Poland-AOD Aerosol Research Network Observations


Markowicz Krzysztof M.ORCID,Stachlewska Iwona S.ORCID,Zawadzka-Manko OlgaORCID,Wang Dongxiang,Kumala Wojciech,Chilinski Michal T.,Makuch PrzemyslawORCID,Markuszewski Piotr,Rozwadowska Anna K.ORCID,Petelski Tomasz,Zielinski TymonORCID,Posyniak MichalORCID,Kaminski Jacek W.ORCID,Szkop ArturORCID,Pietruczuk Aleksander,Chojnicki Bogdan H.ORCID,Harenda Kamila M.,Poczta PatrykORCID,Uscka-Kowalkowska Joanna,Struzewska Joanna,Werner MalgorzataORCID,Kryza MaciejORCID,Drzeniecka-Osiadacz Anetta,Sawinski Tymoteusz,Remut Arkadiusz,Mietus MiroslawORCID,Wiejak Krzysztof,Markowicz Jacek,Belegante Livio,Nicolae Doina


The Poland-AOD aerosol research network was established in 2011 to improve aerosol–climate interaction knowledge and provide a real-time and historical, comprehensive, and quantitative database for the aerosol optical properties distribution over Poland. The network consists of research institutions and private owners operating 10 measurement stations and an organization responsible for aerosol model transport simulations. Poland-AOD collaboration provides observations of spectral aerosol optical depth (AOD), Ångstrom Exponent (AE), incoming shortwave (SW) and longwave (LW) radiation fluxes, vertical profiles of aerosol optical properties and surface aerosol scattering and absorption coefficient, as well as microphysical particle properties. Based on the radiative transfer model (RTM), the aerosol radiative forcing (ARF) and the heating rate are simulated. In addition, results from GEM-AQ and WRF-Chem models (e.g., aerosol mass mixing ratio and optical properties for several particle chemical components), and HYSPLIT back-trajectories are used to interpret the results of observation and to describe the 3D aerosol optical properties distribution. Results of Poland-AOD research indicate progressive improvement of air quality and at mospheric turbidity during the last decade. The AOD was reduced by about 0.02/10 yr (at 550 nm), which corresponds to positive trends in ARF. The estimated clear-sky ARF trend is 0.34 W/m2/10 yr and 0.68 W/m2/10 yr, respectively, at TOA and at Earth’s surface. Therefore, reduction in aerosol load observed in Poland can significantly contribute to climate warming.


Narodowe Centrum Nauki

Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju

Polish Foundation of Science and Technology

European Union




Atmospheric Science,Environmental Science (miscellaneous)








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