Along with deep scaling transistors and complex electronics information exchange networks, very-large-scale-integrated (VLSI) circuits require high performance and ultra-low power consumption. In order to meet the demand of data-abundant workloads and their energy efficiency, improving only the transistor performance would not be sufficient. Super high-speed microprocessors are useless if the capacity of the data lines is not increased accordingly. Meanwhile, traditional on-chip copper interconnects reach their physical limitation of resistivity and reliability and may no longer be able to keep pace with a processor’s data throughput. As one of the potential alternatives, carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have attracted important attention to become the future emerging on-chip interconnects with possible explorations of new development directions. In this paper, we focus on the electrical, thermal, and process compatibility issues of current on-chip interconnects. We review the advantages, recent developments, and dilemmas of CNT-based interconnects from the perspective of different interconnect lengths and through-silicon-via (TSV) applications.
National Natural Science Foundation of China
Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Mechanical Engineering,Control and Systems Engineering
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18 articles.