Dynamic Modeling and Passivity-Based Control of an RV-3SB Robot


Cardona Manuel1ORCID,Serrano Fernando E.2ORCID,García Cena Cecilia E.3ORCID


1. Research Department, Universidad Don Bosco, San Salvador 1874, El Salvador

2. Instituto de Investigación en Energía IIE, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras UNAH, Tegucigalpa 11101, Honduras

3. Centre for Automation and Robotics (CAR), Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), 28012 Madrid, Spain


This paper shows the dynamic modeling and design of a passivity-based controller for the RV-3SB robot. Firstly, the dynamic modeling of a Mitsubishi RV-3SB robot is conducted using Euler–Lagrange formulation in order to obtain a decoupled dynamic model, considering the actuator orientation besides the position of the analyzed robot. It is important to remark that the dynamic model of the RV-3SB robot is conducted based on kinematic model obtention, which is developed by the implementation of screw theory. Then, the passivity-based controller is obtained by separating the end effector variables and the actuator variables by making an appropriate coordinate transformation. The passivity-based controller is obtained by selecting an appropriate storage function, and by using Lyapunov theory, the passivity-based control law is obtained in order to drive the error variable, which is the difference between the measured end effector position variable and the desired end effector position variable. The passivity-based controller makes the error variable reach the origin in finite time, taking into consideration the dissipation properties of the proposed controller in order to stabilize the desired end effector position. A numerical simulation experiment is performed in order to validate the theoretical results obtained in this research. Using numerical experimentation, it is verified that the proposed control strategy is efficient and effective in driving the error variable to the origin in comparison with other modified techniques found in the literature. Finally, an appropriate discussion and conclusion of this research study are provided.


Universidad Don Bosco, El Salvador




Control and Optimization,Control and Systems Engineering








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