Importance of Cultural Ecosystem Services for Cultural Identity and Wellbeing in the Lower Engadine, Switzerland


Kosanic Aleksandra1,Lambers Karsten2ORCID,Galata Stamatia1,Kothieringer Katja3,Abderhalden Angelika4


1. School of Biological and Environmental Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool L3 3AF, UK

2. Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University, Einsteinweg 2, 2333CC Leiden, The Netherlands

3. Digital Geoarchaeology, University of Bamberg, 96045 Bamberg, Germany

4. Fundaziun Pro Terra Engiadina c/o Arinas Environment AG, 7556 Ramosch, Switzerland


Current climate and environmental changes have brought unprecedented rates of change to mountain ecosystems. These changes are impacting the provisioning of ecosystem services. Despite the increase in academic publications on ecosystem services, research on cultural ecosystem services (CES) and their availability in mountain regions has largely been neglected. Here we analyse how important different CES are for inhabitants and visitors in the Lower Engadine region (Switzerland). We use questionnaires and maps to identify the most important CES for individual and collective wellbeing as well as their geographical location in the region. We had 48 participants in this study of which 28 grew up in the Lower Engadine. Our results show that the most important (i.e., ‘Highly important’) CES are: ‘The view of mountains, rivers or glaciers’; the presence of plants typical for the region, for example Fire Lily and Edelweiss (i.e., Lilium bulbiliferum subsp. croceum, Edelweiss-Leontopodium alpinum); ‘Hiking’; ‘Local customs’; ‘Watching large mammals’; and the importance of ‘Terraces for traditional Agriculture activities’. Results from the spatial analysis show that identical geographical locations in the Lower Engadine provide multiple CES and bring health benefits to the users.


Zukunftskolleg Alumni Cooperation Programme of the University of Konstanz




Nature and Landscape Conservation,Ecology,Global and Planetary Change

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