There are a large number of interconnections in the microwave module, among which the lead wire interconnection is widely used. Under the environmental load, the solder joint of the lead wire interconnection often appears to have cracks and other defects, which directly affect the return loss and insertion loss when transmitting electrical signals through solder joints, and indirectly affect the performance of the microwave module. For this reason, the segmented modeling method is realized by segmenting the lead wire interconnection structure into two parts in this paper, and the equivalent circuit model of the lead wire interconnection with the cracked solder joint is established using the equivalent circuit method. The correlation mechanism of the shape of the solder joint of the lead wire interconnection is studied, and formulas for predicting electrical performance based on return loss and insertion loss are derived. This paper realizes the prediction of the electrical performance of the lead wire interconnection with the defect, and can provide a reference for engineers and technicians.
National Natural Science Foundation of China
Natural Science Foundation of Shaanxi Province
Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Computer Networks and Communications,Hardware and Architecture,Signal Processing,Control and Systems Engineering
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2 articles.